The Writing and Marking business segment essentially comprises the edding brand and includes markers, writing utensils, printer cartridges and toners as well as spray paints. This product range is aimed at both the business-to-business sector and private end consumers. The various products are subdivided into the following categories, depending on the application and target group:
- Professional Marking
- Educating and Presenting
- Writing, Highlighting and Correcting
- Repairing and Maintaining at home
- Organising and Marking at home
- Creating and Decorating
- Colour and Play
- Printing
- EcoLine
The Visual Communication business segment includes the main brand Legamaster. Here a distinction is made between two product groups. The traditional Visual Communication group comprises primarily flip charts, whiteboards, presentation boards and the corresponding accessories. The interactive range covers electronic whiteboards and e-screens (LED screens with touch technology for schools and conference rooms). Sales are almost exclusively generated in the business-to-business sector.
The Group’s headquarters are in Ahrensburg.